The 1930 Pantomime.

Sunday School December 1930

Arrangements are now in hand for our forth-coming Annual Pantomime.

Our Sunday School will this year present “The Sleeping Beauty,” the first performance taking place on Saturday, December 20th. with subsequent performances on December 22nd., 23rd., 26th. (Boxing Day) and 27th.

We would draw the attention of our friends particularly to the fact that owing to Christmas Day falling on a Thursday, and to the schools re-opening on January 6th. 1931, we are only able to give two performances after Christmas Day, the others having to take place before that date.

We hope, therefore, that you will support all these performances equally, and not leave your bookings to the last two days, with the consequent risk of disappointment. We do not want to turn people away at these last shows, as it will not be possible to repeat it.

Tickets may be obtained from any of the Sunday School Teachers and reserved seats booked at Dunkirk Studio, Stocks Hill, in due course.

See our advertisements and shop bills for full particulars.

Source: Church Magazine


The Pantomime January 1931

Full accounts of our Pantomime “The Sleeping Beauty” have appeared in the local press, but have to be omitted here for lack of space, yet mention must be made of one or two points.

First of all the experience of previous years has been repeated, of thin “houses” for the first two nights, followed by the last two nights when many were turned away. We can only say that it is a pity that more did not book seats early.

Secondly, the best criticism on the whole is to say that no-one came away disappointed. The whole performance indicated a great deal of hard work of preparation, uniform effectiveness of execution, and gave the maximum satisfaction. Thirdly, thanks are due to all who took part, for their ready help and harmonious service.

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