The Pantomime.Dec 1932

Sunday School Pantomime, Dec. 26-31.

"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
With 42 kids she'd too much to do.
Her son unemployed, her landlord a curse.
She never could meet the demands on her purse,
An adventurous person, she soon found her measure,
And on Woolworth Island discovered a treasure.
Now she is wealthy, and that YOU may know
The way of success, just come to the show.
She will be at the National Schools, now remember.
Boxing Day night to the end of December.
Omitting forsooth the unlucky Friday
Which all of you know is bath night and 'buy' day."

For details and prices look out for-Posters and Shop Bills.


Sunday School.

Mr. Cox has resigned his position as Superintendent of the Middle School. His resignation has been very regretfully accepted. The Vicar has appointed Miss Gill to take charge of the department. The appointment takes effect on Advent Sunday. We are very grateful to Mr. Cox for all he has done for the School, and we offer to Miss Gill our congratulations and our very best wishes.

Source: Parish Magazine

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