Sunday Schools.      Dec 1934

This Year sees our 10th Annual Pantomime, another specially written show featuring the well-known children's story " Red Riding Hood." This year's holiday is most awkward for us only allowing four performances and these will be Boxing Day (December 26th.), Thursday, Friday and Saturday (December 27th. 28th. and 29th.).
    We have often urged our Patrons to attend the earlier performances, as many wait until the last night and find themselves uncomfortably crowded, some even go home, others think we will repeat but this is impossible owing to Day School.

We know Xmas Week is a very busy one but we cannot have our Pantomime at another time—we only wish we could—therefore we appeal to all to attend one of our performances. We feel sure when you realize the difficulties under which our Annual Show is prepared and produced you will all make a visit part of your Xmas festivities. Now roll up and book your seat at Dunkirk Studio, on and after the 7th of December. Reserved Seats 1/6. Ordinary Seats ; Children 6d.; Adults 1/'-.

Source: Parish Magazine

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